Branch Land & Tree Service

Pre-Hurricane Tree Services

Are You Ready For Florida’s Hurricane Season?

Florida Property Damage   The 2020 hurricane season has officially begun and continues through November 30. The seasonal average is 12 named storms with six becoming hurricanes. Researchers at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) are predicting a higher than average hurricane season for 2020 with up to 19 named storms. They expect 6-10 storms to become hurricanes (with winds that reach 74 mph or higher), and of those, state that 3 to 6 could become major hurricanes (category 3, 4 or 5 storms with winds of 111 mph or higher).
Prepare Now to Prevent Property Damage
Florida Property Damage Every year, hurricanes cause millions of dollars in property damage. High winds and heavy rain can wreak havoc on weak and stressed trees, causing branches to snap or trees to uproot. Properly trimmed trees are the best protection against unnecessary property damage. If you have trees on your property, you don’t want to wait until just before a hurricane to have them inspected, trimmed and/or thinned. Preparing early ensures that there is adequate time to schedule service and have any tree debris removed while it is safe. Regular pruning done by professionals can eliminate dead or weak branches and help create a sturdy, well-spaced framework of healthy branches with an open canopy that allows wind to flow freely through.  
Contact Us Today For a No-Cost Service Evaluation and Estimate!
Call 407-399-5100 or email us today to schedule a free service evaluation.